Thursday, June 30, 2011

There are Jobs Galore on the Internet if You Know Where To Look

In my first post I gave a number of suggestions on how to quickly find worthwhile employment.

Here I am going to list some links to some places that offer good job listings that should appeal to your skills and experience.

By all means please read through the first posting as it will give you great insight as to how to get your mind as well as your determination built up to find a great job.

The first post is rather long, but can be read in about ten or fifteen minutes and may well help you to understand my reasoning behind what I am recommending to help insure that you quickly find employment.

These are currently some of the best places on the internet to find a local job and between the four places you should be able to find virtually every job opportunity available in the United States.

Current List of Job Offer Websites:

Wishing you Great Luck with your pursuit of your next great career!

Please leave comments on how productive your job is going as this will help inspire others who are just now finding this Blog.

Thank you,
Billy J Gibson
Better know as The Selling Fool
My other major Blog is:

Are You Looking For a Great Job, Great Career or Work Place?

Welcome to the new Career Acquisitions blog.

This is the blog that has been designed to help one and all to be able to find either a great job or a new career and perhaps more importantly suggestions on how to go about getting hired.

This is being done so that you will be able to get on with your life and start helping the American economy to get back on track.

No I am not running for president or anything like that but I do know that I could have the answers to most of today’s unemployed worker’s prayers.

However this post has to be rather long due to having to explain all of my views and suggestions in one area. As I make other post I can go into greater detail in all of the different areas. For now this is a general overview of the entire subject.

There are a number of things that a person who wants to get and keep a worth while job needs to do in order to be successful at getting off of today’s unemployment roles.

Now here is how I can help you with a successful job search.

I was kind of a combination Sales and Human Resource Manager for most of my fifty or so years of employment and therefore have very good insight into what is necessary to find gainful employment for the masses.

The number one main duty I had as a sales manager with all of these different companies I worked for was this.

I did most of the hiring and training as this was a requirement to consistently keep a good staff of salespeople employed so that we were able to consistently meet or exceed our sales quota each and every month.

This means I had to write the help wanted ads and then answer the phone to set the appointments for the interviews. I then had to do most of the interviewing and hiring of the prospective employees in my department. This was always for the most part a one man show.

Why was this so important you might ask?

The main reason in my case was simply this. If my self and my group failed to meet our sales quota for two or maybe three months in a row then most likely I would be out of a job. It was as simple as that.

It is real easy to make the sales quota that the company requires each month if you have a great product and enough sales people out there making the calls, presentations and then closing the sales.

However if your crew numbers begin to fall, your sales will suffer accordingly.

Was making quota easy every month?

I will have to admit that most months it was easy and some other months it was hard but regardless of the circumstances it was always my responsibility to see to it that my crew or organization met it’s goals, are else, guess what?

I would simply be out of a job setting at home reading this right along side the rest of you. If I could not reach the monthly sales quota I was in for a world of hurt.

So fortunately, or unfortunately that is how the majority of all sales departments work.

Well enough about me, it is time to help you find your next or first job which ever the case might be.

Believe it or not the real secret to job hunting is exactly the same as when you are hunting for wild game, fishing or making sales for that matter.

If you want to find game or catch fish you have to go where the fish or game are. If you don’t you are going to come up empty handed each and every time.

It is the same way in sales, you have to go where the prospects are to have any success at all.

As a sales manager, I would instruct my salespeople, (depending on what product we were selling) to do this.

If we were selling encyclopedias, which I did for twenty-four years, we would look for children’s toys, bicycles, skate boards, etc. in the front yards of the areas we were canvassing. No need to bother the old people, just people who had children who would need the product for their school work.

On the other hand if my crew was selling home improvements then they would look for bad roofs, bad windows, or settling houses for example.

In either case we would have to go where the people needed our products. To do anything else would have been a total waste of our time.

Now finding the prospect was just the first thing of several things that had to be done.

The sales person had to know how to approach the potential customer and in such a way so that the would be customer did not slam the door or call the cops. This meant sales people had to knock on the door with just the right amount of force to sound professional.

Next, when the prospect came to the door, they had to always look the prospect in the eye and give a warm cheerful greeting while offering a friendly handshake.

In most cases if the prospect had any interest at all they would invite our professional looking salesperson inside the home or office or else set an appointment for when the spouse would be at home.

Believe it or not, I have to give you some insight on how to approach a prospective employer for the very same reasons. I don’t want you to miss your chance before you even begin.

Once inside the door, the next thing the sales person had to do was to warm up with the potential customer so that he or she could gain their mutual trust.

If you have been keeping count the next step is the fourth step, which is the presentation it self.

The first part of the presentation is where the sales person explains all of the great things about the company and their history.

Once this was done the sales person would go into great detail about what all the product would do for the customer to make things, easier, cheaper, smarter and much more efficient than whatever the prospect was now presently doing.

The next thing, and the very last step which is the most obvious of all is the close. This is where the sales person asks for the order, completes the paper work and reassures the customer that everything will be done as agreed upon.

Now after reading this far, can you see why the majority of the salespeople I trained through out my career would close on average about eighty to ninety percent of all the presentations that they made.

Keep it Simple Stupid, is all I every taught to the thousands of salespeople I trained.

I also made sure that I praised them all for all of their good work, each and everyday to keep their sprits up and this seemed to work with everyone of them.

All I was doing was just teaching my salespeople how to be winners.

So do you think I can teach you how to find a job or get into a suitable career?

Well you can bet on it! The reason I say this is because I have never met anyone in my entire adult life that was not good at something.

So all you have to do is keep an open mind as I go through the steps because I know you are good at something. We just have to get you together with some one who needs your talent or services.

Also remember this is the very first post to this blog so I cannot do it all in one afternoon but as time goes by I will keep adding what is needed for you to become even more successful.

I will explain in detail every thing you will need to do to quickly and easily find work in your particular area of expertise. Then once you do find employment even if it is for the very first time, you can start thinking about improving your circumstances, as the economy improves.

Will the economy improve? Hopefully, but the main thing to do is improve you and your families economy.

Think about this? If most of these people that are reading this Blog go out and find a job in a few days.

After finding a job, then each of these people need to tell ten or fifteen others about their success or even better tell several hundred of their friends on twitter or face book and explain how they did it.

Well guess what? If the chain continues on going one person at a time for a few months longer, We literally will have all of the country back to work. It is a mathematical certainty.

You may be thinking that there are not that many jobs available and you would be right.

However as more and more people go to work and start earning a check and more importantly start spending again, then companies all across America will be creating more and more jobs.

Also more new industries will be starting as the economy improves. This is a given but it all has to start somewhere.

So why not here, today, with you my friend?

Anyway that is my goal and I intend to do my best to reach it.

When the morning comes that I can read the headlines in the local paper and it says,

“Unemployment is now below 5 percent nation wide!”

We can all pat ourselves on the back and say, “Job Well Done!”

I would also appreciate your comments as you work your way through our suggestions. This is something that helps inspire the next new readers as they come along.

I should also mention that once you find a job and go to work you can make comments about your thanks for the information and the fact that you were successful but try not to mention the name of the company you go to work for as that is private and none of my business nor anyone else’s for that matter.

However, it would be nice to mention the city and industry you will be going to work in as that would be a nice plug for both your state and the community you will now be working in.

As you work your way through the blog you are going to find links to websites that offer thousands, upon thousands of positions available so that you will be able to apply for any job you feel qualified to fill.

You should be able to tell by now that there is nothing I do that is half assed so you can depend on my being able to get you to going in the right direction.

You have now seen in a nut shell how I train people to sell, so with just a few minor adjustments in my ideas, you will be successful in your own job search.

I will simply be training and coaching you on how to go about finding and actually being hired to do the job you are wanting and probably desperately needing.

Now in some cases if you live in a small town or out in the country the way I do you may have to commute to work. There are also jobs that you can do where you telecommute from home. That is a nice way of saying you could get a work at home job.

Work at home is not as bad as some people make it out to be.

I worked at home for about a year making leads for salespeople selling software.

I also worked at home to produce leads for selling home improvement offers. At one point I was keeping six sales people busy mostly selling roofing, siding and replacement windows.

I did not do this too long because I had broke my ankle in a slip and fall accident and could not drive my car due to having a large cast on my leg. So I looked in the news paper and saw an ad for making appointments for carpet cleaning and I called the people and got the job and went to work.

About the third day I found these people could not work all of my leads so I had to cut back to just doing this for a couple hours a day.

They paid three dollars an appointment so I could earn about twenty dollars before ten o’clock every morning but that was about all of the appointments that they would buy from me because there were ten or twelve other people doing the same thing and they did not have enough work crews to service all of the leads.

So I needed something else to sell or make appointments for. I picked up the phone book and opened up the yellow pages and where the book opened it was where the home improvement contractors were located. I had never sold home improvements but I decided this was good as any and started calling the contractors from A through Z.

About the third contractor I called, I told him how I was laid up and how I could only work from home. He had a little pity on me and said it was very hard to make appointments and for that reason he would pay me three hundred dollars for every sale I produced.

He was correct! Appointments were hard to make!

Everyone, I called either hung up right away or just told me that they were not interested at the end of my sales talk. I worked my tail off for two days and made a little over one hundred sales talks with no results.

What a dilemma!

I knew something had to change or this was just simply something I could not do profitably.

So I decided to try something different.

I discarded the company’s pitch and started calling people with my own little short pitch.

I started telling people this simple statement after introducing my self and verifying that they were home owners.

First I had to tell them who the company was as that is a legal requirement in my state. Once I got all of the legalizations out of the way I made my little sales pitch.

The statement was, “I understand you have been thinking about having some work done on your home! Is that correct?”

Would you believe that nine out of ten would say that yes they had. Then I would discuss having one of our salespeople coming by to give them a free, no obligation estimate for the work that needed to done.

In some cases the prospect would ask how I knew they wanted the porch fixed or what ever and I simply told them I was just calling a list and had no way of knowing who might have referred them. This answer seemed to work fine. I would then go on to make the appointment.

To my surprise I would make an appointment with virtually every person I talked to that was a verified home owner. This is how I could keep six sales people busy with only fifty or sixty calls a day.

That taught me that stuff works, if you do.

Incidentally I would not try this method now days, even though I know it would still work. The reason being the government has now out lawed virtually all telemarketing of any kind and it is simply against the law to pick up the phone and call somebody out of the blue and try to sell something. The prospect has to have some sort of formal connection with the company you are working for before you can approach them by phone.

$$$$The fine is five hundred dollars a call!$$$$

So don’t even think about doing this!

OK how do we go about finding a job?

First you have to find a list of employers in your area or what ever area you want to work that are looking for employees. That is a given.

You will find links to websites on this blog that have thousands upon thousands of positions that need to be filled.

So the first order of business is to locate about ten possible positions you want to apply for.

You should be able to easily do this in two to three hours at most. Make sure you will be applying for some thing you can do or be trained to do.

The second thing you need to do is to get out your old resume and blow the dust off of it and make sure it is up to date. There are several links to places on the blog to help you either work on your own resume or they can even write one for you if need be.

You will also have to have a cover letter for your resume and it will have to be rewritten for each of the different companies that you will be sending your resume to.

The cover letter is to sell you, so the human resources person upon receiving your resume, can be sold on the idea of opening your resume and actually reading it.

Unfortunately, the majority of resumes are never looked at and are simply pitched over into file number thirteen, the trash can.

If your cover letter does the job it is intended to do you will be noticed and hopefully called for an interview. There will be links to places to get help with the cover letter. Remember the cover letter is the approach and the resume is the presentation. So deal with each in the right frame of mind.

The next thing is to start thinking about ahead of time is your wardrobe. You have to dress the part when you apply for a position. Construction workers need to dress different than a salesperson or office worker for example.

Regardless of what wardrobe you will be wearing you have to pay attention to person hygiene. If you are a male make sure you are clean shaven and beard trimmed. Put on some mild shaving lotion, something that smells good but is not too over powering.

Both genders have to have their hair cut and look professional.

The ladies need to wear modest professional looking skirts or dresses that are not too short or too long.

Just look like you are going to be photographed for the cover of your favorite magazine and you will do fine.

Also take it easy on the jewelry. In other words I would recommend no body piercing items at all except for ear rings.

OK, I know that body piercing jewelry is kind of an in thing for younger people but remember most of the people making the hiring decisions are old school just like me. So why take a chance?

Men or women, you need to shine your shoes and make sure your clothes are clean and pressed. All of your personal items, briefcase, purse, cell phone, etc. need to be clean and well maintained as they are part of your appearance as well.

If you are applying for sales work make sure your car or truck is clean. This is very important as it is part of your appearance if you would be making calls outside the office. I always looked outside my office window to see what my prospective recruits were driving.

When your clothes, vehicle and personal items are clean and well maintained as well as your own personal hygiene and grooming kept up, you will find it is much easier to get in the door so to speak.

Most employers will not comment on any of the things that I just mentioned as all of this is subliminal in nature but it is still about fifty percent of the decision being made about you.

But believe me, if your car, clothes, personal items, etc. are dirty or out of place in anyway, you most likely will not get the job. This is simply because the person interviewed before are after you, just looks sharper.

Think about it! Once you are hired and start talking to customers face to face, in or out of the office, you are the company. That is why all companies are very interested in the proper grooming and cleanliness of their employees.

Also keep in mind that once you go to work for someone, proper grooming, cleanliness if not kept up to standards are grounds for dismissal.

It should also go with out saying that proper manners should be followed when you get into the interview. That means, “Yes Sir!”, “No Sir!”, etc..

In addition to manners during the interview you need to come prepared to answer all of the standard questions you will be asked. Such as what are your hobbies, past time projects and previous experience in the work force.

You need to do research on the companies you are going to work for so you can provide intelligent answers and questions about the work you are applying to do. Some of this research information will help you with the cover letter you are writing for each company you are sending a resume to.

Learn to be relaxed and don’t fidget while being interviewed. You need to understand that the interview is simply a sales presentation and you have to sell the interviewer on the fact that you are the best person for the job.

You don’t have to have the greatest education or thirty years experience doing the job, just sell them on the idea that you are one of the greatest people that has ever came along and that you are willing to give them the rare opportunity of hiring you.

Well that’s’ about it!

Find employers who are looking to fill a position.
Research the companies.
Bring your resume up to date.
Write a new cover letter for each job posting.
Pay attention to your personal appearance.
Do your research for all of the above.
Work on your interview skills, both on the phone and in person.

There is one last thing I might bring up in this posting and that is the fact that you have to get your thinking straight and up to speed.

What I mean is this. If you have been out here looking for work for two or three months, hell some people have been looking for two years or more, then it is time to get rid of all of that negative thinking.

You see you are just finding that you are always right. If you think you cannot find work, guess what?

You will not find a job!

On the other hand if you think that you are going to find the dream job of a lifetime, guess what?

You, will find the dream job of a lifetime?

Does this always work?


Ninety percent of success is mental. There is no question about it. You could ask Henry Ford that question if he were still alive.

You see Mr. Ford started out with only two things but those two things were all he needed.

The first thing he had was an idea for a mass produced automobile. The second thing he had, was the belief that he could get it done. Now today you can drive down any highway in America and see the results of his dream. There are cars everywhere.

Now you are no different!

Convince your self that you can get a job no matter what.

Then go do the things necessary to follow through and you will have the job you have always dreamed about.

I guarantee it!

Good Luck to everyone reading this and don’t forget to make comments about your successes.

God love you all!
Thank you,
Billy J Gibson
Better know as the Selling Fool
My other major blog is: