Friday, August 26, 2011

Why Your Job History Is So Important

Why Your Job History Is So Important

Once you really think about it your job history is actually a picture of your work ethic.

With all of the day to day rituals you go through doing your different tasks you may forget about the “Aha!” moments that every one has from time to time.

Think about it, when you either save your company a bunch of money or figure out an easier, quicker more efficient way to accomplish some task or project it means the company can save some time as well as money.

Believe it or not, this is the way most new procedures come about in both major corporations and small businesses.

Some underling will come up with a much better way of fixing or making some widget and then the company learns about this through the chain of command and passes it on to the other work sites around the country and the world.

As a consequence the company or business may save millions of dollars.

Yes, this happens all the time and the workers who come up with these new ideas will get bonuses and awards for doing the things that makes the company stronger and more profitable.

All of this is well and good but if you find your self in the unemployment line some day and you are desperately looking for a new position as thousands of good hard working people are presently doing today, you may forget the great things you did a few years ago.

You may not remember the times you saved your company the untold thousands of dollars or were the number one employee at the XYZ plant four years ago and got a nice reward or pat on the back for it.

So the truth is, everyone who is a productive worker should keep an ongoing diary of all of good things they have accomplished during their work careers.

This gives them great material for resumes and cover letters as well as things to discuss and talk about during hiring interviews.

So start a work journal today and make note of all of the great things you have done and are thinking of doing. I would also note the things you are grateful for as well. There is nothing wrong with thinking positive about the company you work for and your co-workers.

So thanks to a better frame of mind you may be able to stay on or even get promoted when others are let go.

Your diary will not only help you advance at the work place you are at now but could well provide some insurance in the eventually you are laid off and need to start looking for gainful employment.

Your employment record or diary could simply be a small pocket note book that you carry in your shirt or pants pocket to jot down ideas and things you have done so you do not forget about them.

Some work places will not allow you to do this on the job as they are worried about your recording company secrets and such, so if that is the case just keep a record at home of your accomplishments and update it daily.

When you review your notes often, your subconscious mind tends to come up with new ideas as a result of the combining of different ideas.

This could indeed help the company and as a result help you both now as well as in the future.

Most promotions go to the workers who show a positive outlook and encourage their co-workers and as a result are usually considered natural born leaders.

So try it, it's simple and it works and does not cost a dime.

Be sure and check out the previous posts as they will give you a lot of insight into where you can find jobs in your local area.

I have given out the links to some of the best employment sites and locations in the world.

Thank you,
Billy J Gibson

PS: If you are in the sales profession also check out my other blog:

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